< Week 3 >

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I had to move them into a bigger box, because they were growing out of the other box. I think mom was getting a little claustrophobic. On the other hand, she doesn't really like this one either. Too hard to get in and out of. Picky picky.


This is the best shot I have of the cool markings on the 3 boys. Bass (the darker ale) and Harp (the middle ale) are both wiggly tabbies (in my made up vernacular.) They've both got spots on their bellies where Cider, a real tabby, has little tabby stripes on his belly. See? It's easy to tell them apart.


This is too artistic to be intentional. The camera I use is the one my parents bought my 11 year old son for Hanukkah. It's completely adequate for a learner's camera, but it has clear (or blurry) limitations. Like, when the batteries are low, I can't get past the equivalent of a 1/30 shutter speed. On the bright side, it sometimes comes out cool.

This is Bass doing an abstract dance interpretation of a combine during the harvest..


This looked like an Escher tiling thing to me. Well, it would if Escher's tiles ever kicked the other tiles in the face.


Mom and baby ferret. Don't worry, they look more like cats in the next week's pictures...

Isn't mom a handsome cat? Don't you just want to take her home with you?


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